Getting my kids to eat their vegetables has become a tad trickier these days!  These little ladies are getting smarter and smarter and my tactics are no longer as “sneaky” as they once were! 🙁

HOWEVER, my girls are so in to popsicles these summer days…what kid is not?!  So I decided to get my “sneaky skills” back up to par!

Try these amazing and extremely healthy summer sweet veggie pops!  Filled with a perfect dose of daily veg!

Summer Sweet Veggie Pops

  • 3 cups fresh cut watermelon
  • 2 cups mixture of chopped fresh kale and spinach
  • 1 cup mixed berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries)
  • 1/2 cup organic pomegranate juice

Blend in Vitamix, pour into popsicle inserts and freeze.

Enjoy these healthy pops on a hot summer afternoon! 🙂


Kelly, S & O xo
