I spent an amazing semester abroad “studying” 😉 in Fremantle, Australia.  As part of our Australian History course, my classmates and I spent a week in the outback living with the Aboriginal people of Broom.  I was in complete awe of the beauty and simplicity of these people’s lives.  Unplugged, outside and living off the land in the most minimalistic way.  Children running about from dawn to dusk, playing with nothing but their imaginations!  I have never met more beautiful people.

I will never forget when one of the elders told us that the forest is their “vitamin cabinet.”  Anything that the body needs can be found and healed by nature.  From a simple scrape, to healing and preventing disease…all “medicines” were found in Mother Nature’s doctor kit.

Vitamins are a multimillion-dollar industry.  Vitamins that market luscious skin, thick and glowing hair, eye health, bone health, longer life, boost energy, increase vitality…there is a pill and a promise for everything.  While vitamins can be beneficial in some cases, they are not a magic pill or a substitute for a healthy diet, in my opinion!

Let’s opt for a healthy diet rich in Mother Natures Vitamins!

Vitamin A: Especially important for vision!  Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, beef, milk, eggs.

Vitamin B6: Help metabolize food, stabilize blood sugar and important for hemoglobin.  Chickpeas are a great source so get dipping that hummus!  Other sources include fish and poultry.

Vitamin B12: Fight the fatigue caused by anemia and keep that nervous system healthy.  Animal products are your best source of the vitamin B12!

Vitamin C: Antioxidants!!! Red peppers are a great source of Vit C!  Enjoy with hummus to get that Vitamin B6 in there too! 🙂

Vitamin D: Also created by the body from sunlight.  This vitamin is crucial for bone health, calcium absorption and immune health!  Great sources include salmon, tuna, catfish, oysters, milk and eggs!

Vitamin E: Important and powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage and also helps repair muscle cells…keeping you “Momma strong!”  Good sources include almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, bell peppers, Swiss chard and asparagus!

Vitamin K: Critical for the formation of blood clots!  Kale, spinach and broccoli are all great sources! Add Kale to your morning smoothie to get your refreshing dose of K!

Let’s get back to basics and trust Mother Nature…She is smarter than we think!

Kelly, S & O xo
