I feel so lucky to be able to stay home with Sophie and Liv. As much as I love being a stay at home Mother, I continuously feel the need to embark on new challenges and opportunities to continue to feed my own personal growth and journey. This is why I have decided to join Rodan and Fields Dermatologists as an Independent Consultant.

I have always struggled with my skin. From acne to melasma during pregnancy to sensitive and dry skin and now fine lines from all of the silly faces I make at my kiddos to get a laugh… 😉 It affects my confidence when I don’t feel “comfortable in my own skin.”

R+F have 4 amazing product lines that target sun damage, sensitivity, acne prone skin and anti-aging. After trying the products, I absolutely love the way my skin looks and feels and more importantly, how I feel!

I think that it is so important as Mothers to take care of ourselves as well. We give and give and give some more, often times neglecting ourselves. Invest in you, treat yourself and feel incredible in your own skin!


If you are at all interested in finding out more, please visit my website:


Or email me at: totsnsquats@hotmail.com


Kelly, S & O xo
