Photo by: Aja Kichula

In a society obsessed with quick fixes, fad diets, weight loss pills and juice cleanses, it can be confusing and a challenge to find accurate and safe information!  Making a lifestyle change can seem daunting…especially if you have been “out of the health game” for some time.  In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle is best acquired through baby steps.  If we promise ourselves no more chocolate, wine and 3 hours at the gym each day, we are setting ourselves up for failure.  Let’s break fitness down into manageable chunks.  Let’s follow our kid’s footsteps and take baby steps to our ultimate health!

Pick one or two baby step changes and apply them to your upcoming week!

Baby Step Changes:

  • Keep a water bottle close at hand and keep filling her up!  Shoot for 8 cups of water each day!
  • Stairs it!  Ditch the elevator in your apartment, work or wherever you may be!  Burn that tush…it all adds up!
  • When you are watching TV, complete pushups, jumping jacks, squats or your favorite exercise during the commercial breaks!  You’ll enjoy and appreciate every second that your program is on! 😉
  • EAT BREAKFAST!  Smoothie it!  Break the fast with a green smoothie!  Start your day on the healthiest note possible!  You will feel incredible for the rest of the day!
  • Stock your fridge!!  Ever find yourself roaming the fridge out of boredom?  Ummmm, I bet so! Pick one day a week and spend a little bit of time cutting veggies and fruit!  Make a batch of hummus for an extra protein punch!  Stock your cupboards with raw nuts and seeds!  Preparation = success!
  • Sleep!  I know that sleep can seem impossible when you have little ones.  I know first hand how not sleeping can really affect your health!  If you have a newborn at home, do your very best to sleep when baby sleeps.  If your kids are sleeping through the night, take this opportunity to catch up on much needed zzzz’s!  Turn off netflix and hit the sac!
  • Make everyday tasks fitness!  As busy Moms, it is crucial that we redefine fitness!  Vacuuming, laundry, playing with the kids and everyday moving tasks are fitness!  Movement = fitness!  For an extra challenge, put your tot in the Bjorn while completing these daily tasks.
  • Swap caffeine for hot water and lemon!  See benefits here!


Baby steps are best.  Take the challenge and make 2 “baby” changes this week!  They soon will become habits!

With love,

Kelly S & O xo
